The Journal of Rural and Agricultural Research is published by the Gramin Vikas Avam Siksha Prasar Samiti twice in the year i.e. January to June and July to December. The journal covers the multi disciplinary aspects related to agriculture and rural development. This is essential for the point of view of strengthening the human resource base through education, nutrition and empowerment of women and build physical infrastructure. It can help in promoting opportunities in the production and marketing of the high value live stock production, fruits and vegetables. The journal has wide circulation covering different universities colleges, libraries and research institutions etc.

Dr. P.K. Singh,
Gramin Vikas Avam Siksha Prasar
Samiti, Agra

Mobile: 7906864780

Dr R.B. Singh
Gramin Vikas Avam Siksha Prasar Samiti, Agra
Mobile: 9412395226